A Dialogue
Hobo Girl
The Fungal Life
Living a Blur
Michael Tan
Meleeka's Ramblings
stuff and possibly...
Virtual Cantina
Brent DeVries
Alex Lie
Hobo Girl
The Fungal Life
Living a Blur
Michael Tan
Meleeka's Ramblings
stuff and possibly...
Virtual Cantina
Brent DeVries
Alex Lie
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Thursday, June 29, 2006
Hello!! Longtime no blog :) I haven't had much to write about for awhile. Mostly I've been in florida struggling to study for my boards when all i want to do is be LAZY. It's almost over though, I take step 2 this wednesday. Right now I'm at a 3 day conference in DC learning how to be "Fully Bright". It's been interesting hearing their talks about how to be "cultural diplomats" and to embrace our role to show the world a different face for America. haha...guess when they accepted me they didn't realize just how different a face they would be sending.
So far I've met about half the group headed to Jordan and a handful of random ppl headed to the MIddle East, North Africa, or South Asia. I have to constantly remind myself that this room full of 20some year olds who are widely traveled, usually at least bilingual, and are keen on tackling issues such as the impact of mass Iraqi migration into Jordan on the local economy and the access to education by the bedouin population ARE ALL AMERICANS. hehe, guess it's me who should broaden my perspective a little.
All in all it seems like I'll have an Awesome group going to Jordan, I've never fit in quite so well with a group before. Now if I can just catch up on the last 4 yrs of politics in the region :P I've been so out of touch buried in med school. I feel like all i can discuss relates to medicine or international health. Today's talk about democratic change in islalmic societies and current political tensions in Morocco and Egypt were just overwhelming. My head is just spinning trying to readjust to thinking about history and politics again. Oh well I have all of a year to readjust. I think I'm going to end up staying there til end of June or JULY depending on how soon I'm required to begin my 4th year of medicine.
So far I've met about half the group headed to Jordan and a handful of random ppl headed to the MIddle East, North Africa, or South Asia. I have to constantly remind myself that this room full of 20some year olds who are widely traveled, usually at least bilingual, and are keen on tackling issues such as the impact of mass Iraqi migration into Jordan on the local economy and the access to education by the bedouin population ARE ALL AMERICANS. hehe, guess it's me who should broaden my perspective a little.
All in all it seems like I'll have an Awesome group going to Jordan, I've never fit in quite so well with a group before. Now if I can just catch up on the last 4 yrs of politics in the region :P I've been so out of touch buried in med school. I feel like all i can discuss relates to medicine or international health. Today's talk about democratic change in islalmic societies and current political tensions in Morocco and Egypt were just overwhelming. My head is just spinning trying to readjust to thinking about history and politics again. Oh well I have all of a year to readjust. I think I'm going to end up staying there til end of June or JULY depending on how soon I'm required to begin my 4th year of medicine.
Books: Fiction
Books: Non-Fiction

Oasis of Dreams
By Grace Feuerverger

Betrayal of Trust
By Laurie Garrett

Pathologies of Power
By Paul Farmer
Books: Non-Fiction

Oasis of Dreams
By Grace Feuerverger

Betrayal of Trust
By Laurie Garrett

Pathologies of Power
By Paul Farmer