A Dialogue
Hobo Girl
The Fungal Life
Living a Blur
Michael Tan
Meleeka's Ramblings
stuff and possibly...
Virtual Cantina
Brent DeVries
Alex Lie
Hobo Girl
The Fungal Life
Living a Blur
Michael Tan
Meleeka's Ramblings
stuff and possibly...
Virtual Cantina
Brent DeVries
Alex Lie
August 2003
September 2003
October 2003
January 2004
February 2004
March 2004
April 2004
May 2004
June 2004
July 2004
August 2004
September 2004
October 2004
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
July 2007
September 2003
October 2003
January 2004
February 2004
March 2004
April 2004
May 2004
June 2004
July 2004
August 2004
September 2004
October 2004
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
July 2007
Thursday, January 29, 2004
*sigh* procrastination is a the pothole of the road to my MD. :( I've been trying to do something productive in the last...oh....5 hrs...but alas I have failed yet again. It's 5:37pm and I have an anatomy lab session from 6-8 *cringe*. I opened my computer (mistake #1) and checked my email (#2). Now i have 20 more minutes of potential productivity and here I am at the blog.
On that note, ever notice that when we write in these blogs we use the words: ramblings and random way too much? Let's alliterate properly, shall we? THese are the random ramblings of a rambunctious, yet restrained, wantonly wishlful woman.
:) don't mind me I'm just random and a bit sleepy, and for those of you who know me, that usually= odder than normal hehe...odder than normal...i like that. :)
oh yes I've also noticed that there are way too many smileys! especially in my writing, BUT don't you just love them? they're so .... expressive :P
ok it's acid-base homeostasis for me, then off to see the Viscera.
best of luck to all of you with similar potholes.
On that note, ever notice that when we write in these blogs we use the words: ramblings and random way too much? Let's alliterate properly, shall we? THese are the random ramblings of a rambunctious, yet restrained, wantonly wishlful woman.
:) don't mind me I'm just random and a bit sleepy, and for those of you who know me, that usually= odder than normal hehe...odder than normal...i like that. :)
oh yes I've also noticed that there are way too many smileys! especially in my writing, BUT don't you just love them? they're so .... expressive :P
ok it's acid-base homeostasis for me, then off to see the Viscera.
best of luck to all of you with similar potholes.
Wednesday, January 28, 2004
I love my house :)
It's full of funny people....
here's a typical day at the Steiner House-International Coop
Message to the melancholic blind man of the third floor,
your lack of sight appears to be caused by an imbalance of humors
towards phlegm and melancholy. I would suggest a pigeon for
supper because of it's quality of heat and its balanced
moisture/dryness ratio. Add a dash of lemon to the mix as
additional aid against melancholy
the unbalanced one on first
Reply to the kitty-hugger on the first floor:
Your lack of balance appears to stem from an underdeveloped
understanding of melancholy. I would suggest you go out and
shoot the said pigeon, look into its dead eyes, bury it with
elaborate gothic ceremony in a shady valley by the bottomless
lake, and eat a whole lemon instead. Three bites maximum,
no peeling.
It's full of funny people....
here's a typical day at the Steiner House-International Coop
Message to the melancholic blind man of the third floor,
your lack of sight appears to be caused by an imbalance of humors
towards phlegm and melancholy. I would suggest a pigeon for
supper because of it's quality of heat and its balanced
moisture/dryness ratio. Add a dash of lemon to the mix as
additional aid against melancholy
the unbalanced one on first
Reply to the kitty-hugger on the first floor:
Your lack of balance appears to stem from an underdeveloped
understanding of melancholy. I would suggest you go out and
shoot the said pigeon, look into its dead eyes, bury it with
elaborate gothic ceremony in a shady valley by the bottomless
lake, and eat a whole lemon instead. Three bites maximum,
no peeling.
Wednesday, January 21, 2004
ok...long time no see :) sorry about the prolonged absence from my dear old blog. Life has been flying by at a ridiculous rate, but you guys know me, lol, I thrive on insanely busy schedules and minute amounts of shut-eye. I've started a couple campaigns and projects on Health, Human Rights, AIDS, and International Medicine and am busy chugging away at renal clearance values and kidney fxn on the side :) Life is GOOD.
So, how have you all been? I have heard a lot from some of you, but not at all from others of you (hint, hint). Please let me know how y'all are.
well, time's up gotta finishing this chapter then grab a bottle of red wine to celebrate the coming of the year of the monkey!
So, how have you all been? I have heard a lot from some of you, but not at all from others of you (hint, hint). Please let me know how y'all are.
well, time's up gotta finishing this chapter then grab a bottle of red wine to celebrate the coming of the year of the monkey!
Books: Fiction
Books: Non-Fiction

Oasis of Dreams
By Grace Feuerverger

Betrayal of Trust
By Laurie Garrett

Pathologies of Power
By Paul Farmer
Books: Non-Fiction

Oasis of Dreams
By Grace Feuerverger

Betrayal of Trust
By Laurie Garrett

Pathologies of Power
By Paul Farmer