A Dialogue
Hobo Girl
The Fungal Life
Living a Blur
Michael Tan
Meleeka's Ramblings
stuff and possibly...
Virtual Cantina
Brent DeVries
Alex Lie
Hobo Girl
The Fungal Life
Living a Blur
Michael Tan
Meleeka's Ramblings
stuff and possibly...
Virtual Cantina
Brent DeVries
Alex Lie
August 2003
September 2003
October 2003
January 2004
February 2004
March 2004
April 2004
May 2004
June 2004
July 2004
August 2004
September 2004
October 2004
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
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August 2006
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September 2003
October 2003
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July 2004
August 2004
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October 2004
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December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
July 2007
Friday, August 29, 2003
Thought of the day: My gall bladder's cells look like the Greek Peninsula.
>.< is a permanent look on medical student's faces after their first histology lab. It's almost like spending 2 hrs looking at 3D puzzle images, except you have nuclei and chromatin popping up in pink and blues instead of a palm tree :) Hmm...well, I should get back to these cells...still need to check out the blood vessels in rat testes. lol
>.< is a permanent look on medical student's faces after their first histology lab. It's almost like spending 2 hrs looking at 3D puzzle images, except you have nuclei and chromatin popping up in pink and blues instead of a palm tree :) Hmm...well, I should get back to these cells...still need to check out the blood vessels in rat testes. lol
Thursday, August 28, 2003
*note* Why Asians turn pink *note*
Would anyone like to know? hehe...seems that we have a different form of Alcohol isoform that doesn't do too well in breaking down ethanol (i.e. our vodka tonics). Northern europeans on the other hand have forms that have great affinity for ethanol and breaks it down more efficiently. So it seems that we don't take to alcohol too well, lol, and our bodies in desperation to get rid of the stuff that the liver is degrading so slowly gets rid of a lot of it through our skin. lol thus the rosy cheeked asians at your local bar.
*Abi takes a bow and steps away from her podium*
Would anyone like to know? hehe...seems that we have a different form of Alcohol isoform that doesn't do too well in breaking down ethanol (i.e. our vodka tonics). Northern europeans on the other hand have forms that have great affinity for ethanol and breaks it down more efficiently. So it seems that we don't take to alcohol too well, lol, and our bodies in desperation to get rid of the stuff that the liver is degrading so slowly gets rid of a lot of it through our skin. lol thus the rosy cheeked asians at your local bar.
*Abi takes a bow and steps away from her podium*
Hmm...Well, I decided that I would start one of these things, seeing that it's the biggest craze since crocheting hit the grand rapids scene ;). It's become my new little side project as I sit here in my biochemistry review sessions at medical school (I know I know, not the best of habits, but what else can I do to stay awake, I've been in the same lecture hall for the last 5 hrs listening to ramblings about liver transaminases and the EXCITING new discoveries in the field of molecular gases taken up by adult hemoglobin).
Medical school has been quite a trip so far, as I'm sure my dear friends know from my numerous phone calls. Who knew med students had this much fun? hehe, ironically this is the same class that just spent a half hour tracing the path of vodka tonics into the recesses of the liver. It's surreal almost to finally be here, lol, I guess too late to ask the question "Is this truly what I want?". I sure hope it is. Maybe someday I'll tackle the question if I ever get my head above water again. LOL i can see the headlines now..."medical student tragically drowned in a sea of molecules and metabolic pathways".
Ok, guess I'd better start paying attention....we're finding out why we can't make glucose from fat. hehe...sounds important. til later....Ciao.
Medical school has been quite a trip so far, as I'm sure my dear friends know from my numerous phone calls. Who knew med students had this much fun? hehe, ironically this is the same class that just spent a half hour tracing the path of vodka tonics into the recesses of the liver. It's surreal almost to finally be here, lol, I guess too late to ask the question "Is this truly what I want?". I sure hope it is. Maybe someday I'll tackle the question if I ever get my head above water again. LOL i can see the headlines now..."medical student tragically drowned in a sea of molecules and metabolic pathways".
Ok, guess I'd better start paying attention....we're finding out why we can't make glucose from fat. hehe...sounds important. til later....Ciao.
Wednesday, August 27, 2003
Books: Fiction
Books: Non-Fiction

Oasis of Dreams
By Grace Feuerverger

Betrayal of Trust
By Laurie Garrett

Pathologies of Power
By Paul Farmer
Books: Non-Fiction

Oasis of Dreams
By Grace Feuerverger

Betrayal of Trust
By Laurie Garrett

Pathologies of Power
By Paul Farmer